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What files will be delivered to me at the end of the project?

All files will be packaged into a variety of formats suitable for both web and print purposes including PNG, SVG, AI, PDF and JPG (if you need additional formats just let us know). We will include black, white, grayscale and full colour versions based on the colours in your final branding. The final files will be labelled and organised into files that are easy to navigate, as well as a PDF guide for file types and how to use them.

How long is the timeline for a project?

The timeline for any of our services will typically take about a month (4 weeks). Depending on other factors it could be longer.

How will we communicate?

We use Studio Ninja for communication and project tracking. This is where we send proposals, contracts and questionnaires for you to easily sign.

How many revisions do I get?

You will get 2 revisions as part of your package, if you require are any more then there will be an extra charge.

How do I know I'm going to like the design?

Our design process involves in-depth strategy where we delve into your business goals, target audience, market positioning and any specific requirements you may have. The in-depth analysis of your business landscape is crucial to get your visual design right. We'll have regular calls to go through the designs that have been produced so far to ensure we're on the right path.